Your best friend is getting married. You want to help make this a special time in her life, and one of the things you'd like to help with is planning a bridal shower. But you're a little nervous Put away your misgivings, experts say. Planning a wedding shower that will be remembered
with pleasure does not have to be difficult if you keep a few tips in mind.
When: A wedding shower can take place two months to two weeks before the wedding.
Where: Private homes, restaurants, condo or apartment clubhouses all are popular choices.
Who: Usually the maid of honor or close friends do the honors of hosting the bridal shower. Family members, such as sisters or mother-in-laws, traditionally do not host the showers since it can be viewed as self-serving.
Must haves: Designate a person to record all gifts and who gave them. This is so the bride and groom can properly thank givers by promptly sending a thank you card. It is also appropriate to give each attendee a bridal shower favor or a unique momentos such as a heart-shaped soap favor scented with rosemary or scented votive candles.
Who to invite: Close friends, family, coworkers of the bride and groom and church or congregation members can shower good wishes on the couple. Don't invite everyone on the wedding guest list to the shower -- it should be personal. A good rule of thumb is creating a list of people you'd invite to a close birthday party.
How the event unfolds: Set aside about two hours for the event. Greet guests and serve light appetizers. After most guests have arrived, go around the room and have guests introduce themselves and say how they know the bride and groom. Play three or four shower games, if desired. Break for refreshments and other incidentals. Open gifts. Host should thank departing
guests individually.